The Reality of Lost Words

            I was excited; beyond any words I could have hoped to use to describe the feeling I felt when I received the “ok” from the organization. After my best attempt at impromptu, persuasive speaking, the board agreed to let me work with them to develop a plan for their electronic communication strategy. While exploring the organization’s use of electronic communication, my group member and I decided to focus on their website. With great effort, we produced a report. I felt so accomplished. I had actually committed a lot of my time to this project, and I was ready to make things happen. My avatar was standing proudly on her pedestal, ready to present her plan to the organization. Her eyes were gleaming with anticipation. She was ready to make this so much more than a lengthy document. She was ready to manifest reality.

            I wish I could say that my avatar proceeded to put this plan into action, and everyone lived happily ever after. Unfortunately, few real-life stories actually turn out that way. I presented the plan to the board. Though I was eager to begin putting this plan into action, I wanted to give the organization some time to consider this lengthy document. I was prepared to wait. What I wasn’t prepared for is what happened next.

            It started with a phone call. By the time I said, “Hello”, I began to regret answering the call in the first place. I wish I could say this was the only phone call I received on the subject matter, but it was not. In less than 24 hours, my dream of making this plan a reality was shattered like a mirror no one ever wants to break. Shot down and in disbelief, my avatar was officially wounded. Her head in her hands, my avatar curled up on the couch with gallons of Ben & Jerry’s, all the great love stories in the world playing on the DVR. My relationship with this plan seemed to be over much earlier than I had ever thought possible, and I was devastated.

            Reality is scary sometimes. It’s like one of those movies you don’t dare watch after the sun goes down. But, you can’t stick reality on top of the shelf until the light of day reoccurs. Reality is something you can’t escape, no matter how fast you are running. Sometimes, reality is something you cannot change, even with the most valiant attempt. Reality is permanent, ever-lasting, and certain. No matter how scary it may appear, reality is something that should be observed every day, even when the outcome is not particularly in your favor.

            If I only manage to remember one thing from my participation in this whole project, the idea of reality will be ever solidified in my mind. Though the feedback I received from this report by the organization was not all discouraging and negative, there is no possibility of actually putting this plan into action for the organization at this time. I do not consider this an accomplishment. Once again, I was without any words to describe the way I felt. For now, I guess I will just call it reality. Uncertain of what is next in terms of the aftermath of this project, I think it’s time for my chunky avatar to get off the couch and grab her running shoes. She needs to get to the gym! Reality is just a part of life, and I’m going to make sure that my avatar has the stamina to face it.

Considering Consultant: Taking Another Look at my Avatar

            Me? A consultant? Ha! You’ve got to be kidding me. The word consultant seems so educated, elite, and serious. This sounds like a tasteful term that grown-ups use. Though technically I am an adult, I am just not quite sure I am ready to take that term and apply it to myself. When I think of my online self, the term consultant is not what tends to reach the conscious of my mind. What does a consultant really do? It sounds like a term given to someone of authority. It also sounds like a term given to a person who is well-established and significantly respected within a community. While that prospect is somewhat tempting, I am not entirely certain that I would consider my online self to be worthy of a consultant reference, nor am I completely positive that I am sure I would like to or will ever be a consultant in any aspect of electronic communication.

            What is a consultant? Of course, I sought out multiple definitions to satisfy my prolonged curiosity. To my dismay, there actually are not too many variations of this definition, which left my thoughts at a slight bias. According to Google, a consultant is “a person who provides expert advice professionally”. Meanwhile, Urban Dictionary states that a consultant is


“A self-proclaimed expert that   extorts inflated fees from a host company in return for vague and predominantly   incorrect business advice.” Then, continues by proclaiming, “The successful   consultant detaches from its host at the exact moment its parasitic qualities   are discovered by upper management. Thus, the successful consultant’s term of   engagement will last from months to years, until a mildly attentive   decision-maker realizes that their burning ray of hope is all talk. Note that   some middle managers and all other employees of the host will immediately   recognize the consultant as a pathogen.” Choosing to side more along the   lines of the definition provided by Google and other dictionaries, I still   could not imagine being labeled a consultant.

            Maybe I am just being modest. These past 14 weeks have had such a significant impact on me when it comes to matters of electronic communication. I have almost read four whole books relative to the subject of electronic communication. These books have covered everything from e-mails to websites to social media and beyond. I have also invested a significant amount of time and identifiable information into numerous social media sites. Working on a WordPress blogging site since the beginning of the semester, I have written a substantial amount of blogs, managing to receive feedback in forms of both comments and likes. These past fourteen weeks have taught me so much. Maybe I am deserving of a “consultant status”. Then again, maybe not.

            Even though I have done so much in this course with regards to electronic communication, I do not feel I could wear the word of “Consultant” on any name tag with zero self-consciousness, complete confidence, or initial belief. This course has taught me so much about electronic communication, but I feel that there is still a great deal that I have not yet learned about this subject matter. One day, I hope I can proudly own and flaunt the term consultant within some sort of community. It would be so rewarding to have the privilege of proclaiming that I was truly considered an expert in a subject of significant academic interest to others around me.

            While I still might be uncertain of who I am when it comes to my online persona, there is no doubt in my mind that, for now, the term consultant will not be included. Though it would be nice to proclaim to everyone that I truly knew a lot about electronic communication, I am relatively content in stating that I still have a lot to learn concerning matters of this subject. This does not upset me in the slightest. Rather, it gives me plenty to look forward to. I am excited to continue exploring electronic communication for many years to come.